2020 Poster Sessions
Moving forward with Tipasa @UNF

Intended Audience

Academic Libraries, Paraprofessional Library Employees, Special Services Departments

Poster Summary and Objectives

The University of North Florida Carpenter Library transitioned from Illiad, a client based Interlibrary loan system, to Tipasa, a web based Interlibrary Loan System, on June 19th 2019. Most Universities in the state chose to stay with their legacy system until Tipasa gained additional functionality. The poster presentation will provide an overview of the process of implementing the Tipasa Interlibrary Loan System at University of North Florida. The poster will address the following points: what started the examination of the adoption of Tipasa, challenges and opportunities of switching, an overview of implementation, and lessons learned. The presentation will detail our overall evaluation of Tipasa regarding its technical features, workflows updates and workarounds needed to facilitate the ILL department operations. Objectives: Presentation participants will learn the process to migrate from Illiad to Tipasa and post implementation benefits and limitations of the new system.



Adam Chalmers- University of North Florida

  • Systems Librarian tasked with Tipasa Implementation

Paul Mosley- University of North Florida

  • Assistant Program Director of Public Services. 9 years ILL experience. Supervises Access Services Department

Victoria Rocanelli- University of North Florida

  • Access Services Librarian in charge of Interlibrary Loan department