2020 Poster Sessions
Tool Time! A Public Library’s Experience Building A Tool Library


Intended Audience

Public Libraries, Library Leadership, Friends of the Library Groups or Library Foundations

Poster Summary and Objectives

One way libraries are meeting the demands of the modern world is by diversifying their collections. Manatee County Libraries has an increasing number of unique collections that focus on everything from cultivating new interests to supplementing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) and literacy activities. Over the last few years the library system has been leading forward by expanding its offerings beyond books to include telescopes, musical instruments, fishing poles, adaptive toys, museum passes and wi-fi hotspots.

Dubbed the “Library of Things”, these unique collections are just another way for the library to deliver its mission of promoting lifelong learning. Expanding on this premise, the library system recently launched a tool library.

Tool Libraries are not a new phenomenon and are found all over the country. Some noteworthy examples include the Berkley Public Library, which established a tool lending library in 1979, the Oakland Public Library, and little closer to home, the Safety Harbor and Clearwater Libraries loan tools. We currently have a collection of 20+ tools in our collection, including: a pressure washer, metal detector, bike repair kit, laser level, EMF detector, leak detector, leaf blower, and air compressor.

Our poster will detail the road from conception to creation of Manatee County Public Library System’s tool collection: how it started, how it was funded, how we decided on our inventory, liabilities, and how it’s doing since launching in August 2019. Our poster will hopefully benefit other libraries looking for practical information and advice on how to start their own tool library.



Hal Harmon- Manatee County Public Library System
Zenobia Giles- Manatee County Public Library System

Zenobia Giles and myself (Hal Harmon) were on the team that started the tool library in Manatee County Libraries from start to finish. I've presented and co-presented on the tool library at our in-service day program and at a Manatee County Government Leadership Team Meeting.